Report From The President of the Quesnel Pickleball Club President and Pickleball BC Director Sharon MacDonald: Last month, Quesnel Pickleball Club held its annual Fun Christmas Potluck and tournament. Liz Sales, our fabulous tournament director provided a point driven fun round robin starting with points awarded to the team who set up the portable nets the quickest. Lots of laughter with a very close finish between the 6 teams. The evening started at our local junior high school with an appetizer potluck and the Club members did not disappoint. It was difficult to even think of playing after indulging in so many culinary delights. Kathy Good, who has taken on the task of being a supplier for Pickleball Superstore, set up a table to display various paddles, accessories and clothing items. We are so fortunate to have a local supplier. Besides food, fun and camaraderie we held a 50/50 draw with proceeds going to a local school charity called Backpacks for Kids. Indoor play continues over the winter season in various schools, halls and the Senior Center. With the temperature dropping it is good to be able to participate in our favorite sport until we can hit the outdoor courts in the Spring. Quesnel PC Members Enjoy Giving Back To Their Community!! Comments are closed.
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