Pickleball Derangement Syndrome (PDS): Boston Globe reporter Beth Teitell explains what this is and yes, truth be known, many of us have probably been told (many times) that we have it! "It's one thing to read that nearly 5M people [in the USA] played pickleball last year [or is it 36M??]. It's another to watch a loved one flying to a pickleball camp [or tournament]...and playing through the pain of pickleball elbow [or knee problem, or back pain , or...]." Read the full article here: https://www.bostonglobe.com/.../when-loved-one-contracts.../ Calendar of an Anonymous Pickleball Player's Calendar who has PDS :) Also in a related story, The Dink Blog recently posted this graphic from Sportico which proves why PDS is so prevalent! Comments are closed.
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