West Vancouver July 17th, 2023: HCC PIckleball Committee ALS $7500 Donation Ceremony
John McCoach, Hollburn Country Club (HCC) Management and the Pickleball Committee attended a ceremony to present a cheque to Navin Autar, Coordinator ALS Society of BC in the amount of $7,500. This donation was as a result of tournament funds raised, including personal donations, during the Spring Charity ALS Invitational Tournament held recently during the weekend of May 26th - 28th. Several Pickleball BC Board members played in the tournament (and donated) including Walter Knecht, President and David Snell, Board Member. David stated "On behalf of the HCC Pickleball Committee I wanted to a shout-out to: John for being our ALS charity inspiration; HCC for the courts, catering (BBQ was a highlight) and support; all who participated in the tournament and donated; our Volunteer Committee led by Lorelei Visosky ("traffic") and Jamie Dean ("lining" and Head Ref) whose help was invaluable; and a special thanks to Tim MacVinnie who ran a very successful tournament and who has agreed to help again in our Dinks and Drinks MS Charity Tournament Sept 15th to 17th." Wendy Toyer, Executive Director ALS BC stated in part: "The success of the 2023 Hollyburn Spring Charity Invitational Pickleball Tournament stands as a testament to the goodwill and compassion that thrives within the pickleball community and beyond. Combining their love for the sport with a deep sense of social responsibility, these individuals have exemplified the true spirit of giving back." See the full press release here. The Hollyburn Pickleball Committee and all involved extend their heartfelt gratitude to everyone who contributed to the tournament’s success and those who supported the cause in any way. Together, they have demonstrated that great things can be achieved when a community rallies together. Below we have (left to right) Navin, John McCoach, Dave Snell with Nancy Chapman HCC's new Acting GM (1st pic), and James Holloway Athletic Director (2nd pic). Comments are closed.
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