November 22nd 2024: Pickleball Canada Presents AYPBC Project to All Access National Championship Experience and the Global Pickleball Federation Meeting Mesa Arizona:
The USA Pickleball Championships took take place from November 10 to 17 in Mesa Arizona. Over 2,500 players of all ages and skill levels competed on 41 courts.
Just preceding and during the event, international pickleball leaders experienced a behind-the-scenes tour and deep dive into hosting, planning, organization, execution and logistics of a major tournament. Through its All Access National Championship Experience, the Global Pickleball Federation (GPF) also delivered educational + networking events for the visiting pickleball leaders from all five continents.
A workshop addressed GPF’s Active.8 strategic priorities: membership development; coaching and instruction; multi-sport games/Olympics; rules and officiating; marketing and communications; tournaments, ratings and rankings; community development and grants; and revenue, sponsorships and partnerships.
Leaders from Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania and The Americas also presented the state of pickleball within their continents. And Pickleball Canada President Val Vollmin and Executive Director Barry Petrachenko were given a special place on the workshop agenda to review the evolution of Canada’s integrated national l provincial l club system for pickleball. Val and Barry also delivered The Americas review.
“British Columbia’s leadership in advancing the Pickleball Schools model for activating youth pickleball in Canada was highlighted by Val and Barry through both their Americas and Pickleball Canada presentations" said Tony Casey. This topic was well received by the global leaders who expressed interest in hearing more about Pickleball Schools development in BC, Canada and beyond.
During the Arizona pickleball week, the GPF also held its first Annual General Meeting, which included in-person representation by GPF member countries from the five continents.
"All in all ... mid-November 2024 in Arizona was very good for competitive players and keen pickleball leaders alike", concludes Director Tony Casey. Tony Casey is a current director of the GPF, former member of the PFA and Pickleball Canada boards, and is an EVES/Pickleball Schools project co-coordinator along with Sharon Hoy for the Vancouver Pickleball Association.
Just preceding and during the event, international pickleball leaders experienced a behind-the-scenes tour and deep dive into hosting, planning, organization, execution and logistics of a major tournament. Through its All Access National Championship Experience, the Global Pickleball Federation (GPF) also delivered educational + networking events for the visiting pickleball leaders from all five continents.
A workshop addressed GPF’s Active.8 strategic priorities: membership development; coaching and instruction; multi-sport games/Olympics; rules and officiating; marketing and communications; tournaments, ratings and rankings; community development and grants; and revenue, sponsorships and partnerships.
Leaders from Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania and The Americas also presented the state of pickleball within their continents. And Pickleball Canada President Val Vollmin and Executive Director Barry Petrachenko were given a special place on the workshop agenda to review the evolution of Canada’s integrated national l provincial l club system for pickleball. Val and Barry also delivered The Americas review.
“British Columbia’s leadership in advancing the Pickleball Schools model for activating youth pickleball in Canada was highlighted by Val and Barry through both their Americas and Pickleball Canada presentations" said Tony Casey. This topic was well received by the global leaders who expressed interest in hearing more about Pickleball Schools development in BC, Canada and beyond.
During the Arizona pickleball week, the GPF also held its first Annual General Meeting, which included in-person representation by GPF member countries from the five continents.
"All in all ... mid-November 2024 in Arizona was very good for competitive players and keen pickleball leaders alike", concludes Director Tony Casey. Tony Casey is a current director of the GPF, former member of the PFA and Pickleball Canada boards, and is an EVES/Pickleball Schools project co-coordinator along with Sharon Hoy for the Vancouver Pickleball Association.